ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Florida v. Harris

Okay, kiddo, today we're going to talk about something called Florida v. Harris. It's a fancy way of saying that in Florida, there was a court case where a dog was used to find drugs in a man's car.

You know how dogs have really good noses and can sniff things out really well? Well, in this case, the police officer had a dog that was specially trained to find drugs. The dog sniffed around the man's car and started to bark when he smelled something that might be drugs.

The man got in trouble because the police found drugs in his car. But he said that the dog wasn't a good enough source of evidence because the dog didn't tell the police officer exactly where the drugs were.

So the court had to decide if the dog's evidence was good enough. In the end, the court said that the dog's evidence was okay because the dog was trained well and had a good track record for finding drugs.

So, basically, the case was about whether or not using a specially trained dog to find drugs was a good way for police to know if someone had drugs. And the court said that it was okay if the dog was trained well and had a good record.