ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flower of Life (geometry)

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a pretty flower with lots of petals? The flower of life is sort of like that, but it's not made of real flowers. It's a pattern of circles and lines that people use to make really beautiful designs.

The Flower of Life has a lot of circles all connected together, and each circle touches six other circles. It's kind of like a puzzle made of circles. Imagine drawing lots of circles on a piece of paper and then using a ruler to connect them with lines, like a spider web.

People like the Flower of Life because it's very symmetrical and looks really cool. Some people even believe it has special powers or is connected to the universe in some way.

One way people use the Flower of Life is to make a big pattern out of it and then color it in. They might use different colors or even add glitter or other decorations. It can be a fun and creative project!

So, in short, the Flower of Life is a pretty pattern made of lots of circles and lines that people use for art or decoration. It's like a puzzle that looks really cool and sometimes people think it's special or magical.