ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Flying freehold

Okay kiddo, have you ever heard of owning a house or a piece of land? Well, sometimes people own parts of a building, like one floor or even just one room, but they don't own the land it's on. That's called a flying freehold!

Imagine a big building with lots of different places to live, like an apartment complex. One person might own one apartment on the first floor, and someone else might own a different apartment on the second floor. But instead of each of them owning just their own apartment, they might also own part of the building's roof or a balcony, which is technically flying freehold!

It's important to keep track of who owns which part of the building, because they're all responsible for taking care of it. Even though one person might only own a small part of the building, they still have to pay their share for repairs and maintenance.

Does that make sense, kiddo?
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