ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Focusing (proof theory)

Focusing is a way of making sure you don't get confused when you try to do maths.

Imagine that maths is like a big game with lots of different rules. You need to remember all the rules to be able to play properly. And it can be really hard to remember all the rules all the time.

So, focusing is like putting on a special pair of glasses that make it easier for you to play the game. When you put on these glasses, some parts of the game become clearer and easier to understand.

These glasses are called "focused proof theory". They are a special way of looking at maths that helps you to see more clearly what you need to do to solve a problem.

With these glasses on, you can focus on the most important parts of the game and ignore the parts that aren't so important. This makes it easier to figure out how to solve a problem.

So, focusing is like putting on special glasses that help you play the maths game better. You can focus on the important parts of the game, and ignore the rest. This makes it easier to figure out how to solve problems.