ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Folk Orthodoxy

Folk orthodoxy is like a bunch of people who believe in something that might not be exactly true or official, but they all agree on it and think it's important. It's kind of like playing a game of telephone where one person says something and then it gets passed on to the next person, but by the time it gets to the end, it might be a little bit different than the original thing.

For example, some people might believe that if you touch a toad, you'll get warts. Even though that's not scientifically true or proven, lots of people believe it, especially if they heard it from their parents or friends. It becomes a part of their "folk orthodoxy" - what they believe because they've heard it so many times from people they trust.

Folk orthodoxy can be harmless, but sometimes it can be harmful if people believe things that are actually dangerous or untrue. It's always important to be curious, ask questions, and make sure you're getting your information from reliable sources.