ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Folk hero

A folk hero is somebody who is really famous among ordinary people, but not necessarily famous to everyone in the whole world. It's like when you hear a story about someone who did something super cool, and it gets passed around from person to person until everyone knows about it. Sometimes this person becomes a folk hero because they represent something important, like courage or standing up for what's right.

Folk heroes are usually ordinary people who did something extraordinary. For example, Johnny Appleseed is a folk hero because he traveled all over the country planting apple trees and giving apples to people. His story became very famous and people started to think of him as a symbol of kindness and generosity.

Other examples of folk heroes include Paul Bunyan, the giant lumberjack who could chop down whole forests with just one swing of his axe, and Pecos Bill, the cowboy who rode a tornado like it was a wild horse.

Folk heroes are often connected to a particular time or place, and they represent the values and traditions of the people who tell their stories. They might be famous for their bravery, their cleverness, or their kindness, but whatever it is that makes them special, they will always be remembered as a beloved figure in their community.
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