ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Food, Inc.

"Food, Inc." is a movie that teaches people about where their food comes from.

Have you ever wondered how the yummy burgers and fries you see at the store are made? Well, a lot goes into making that food besides just cooking it up.

In Food, Inc. the movie, they show us how farmers and companies work together to grow and process our food. They also tell us how some of the big companies treat animals and the environment, and why it's important to think about where our food comes from.

The movie reminds us that we should try to eat fresh, healthy food whenever we can, and it's important to know what we're putting into our bodies. Additionally, it tells us how our everyday choices can affect the world around us.

So whenever you're eating a meal, remember to think about where it came from and how it was made before it got to your plate!