ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foolishness for Christ

Okay, so you know how sometimes it's fun to act silly and do things that don't make sense, like putting on a funny hat or making silly noises? Well, some grown-ups believe that being silly or doing weird things can actually be a good way to show people how much you love God.

They call this "foolishness for Christ." Basically, it means doing things that seem strange or even foolish to other people, but that are meant to help you get closer to God or to show how much you care about Him.

Some people might dress up in crazy costumes or walk around barefoot, while others might give away all their money or perform strange stunts. The idea is that by doing these things, they are showing that their faith in God is more important than anything else in the world, even if other people might not understand why they're doing what they're doing.

Some people might think that being foolish for Christ is a little bit weird, but for many believers, it's a way to show their devotion and love for God in a fun and creative way.