ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

For position only

Imagine you're playing a big game of hide-and-seek with your friends. You need to find a hidden spot where nobody can see you, and no one can hear you. It's important to stay very still and quiet so that nobody can find you.

Now imagine that instead of playing hide-and-seek, you're a little dot on a map. The dot helps people find your exact location. This is called "position."

There are a lot of different ways to figure out someone's position. Sometimes people use GPS, which stands for "Global Positioning System." This system uses satellites in space to figure out where you are on the earth.

Another way to figure out someone's position is to use landmarks. Maybe you can say, "I'm behind the big oak tree," or "I'm next to the red mailbox." That will help people find you too.

So just like in hide-and-seek, when you give someone your position, it helps them find you.