ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foreign policy of the People's Republic of China

Foreign policy is like how you make friends with other countries and how you treat your neighbors. Just like how you treat your friends and family nicely, countries also have their own way of treating other countries.

The People's Republic of China is a huge country with lots of people and resources. They want to have good relationships with other countries so that they can get things they need to help their own people. China wants to be a leader in the world and make sure that other countries respect them.

China wants to change the way the world works and be a country that other countries look up to. They do this by making agreements with other countries and working together to solve problems.

China also has some problems with countries that they don't get along with. Just like when friends fight, countries also have conflicts with each other. China has conflicts with some of their neighbors over things like land and natural resources.

Overall, China wants to be a strong and respected country in the world. They try to make friends with other countries and work on problems together, but sometimes they have conflicts with other countries too.