ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office

The foreign, commonwealth, and development office is like a big group of really smart grown-ups who work for the government. Their job is to help the United Kingdom (UK) have happy friendships with other countries and to make sure that everyone is treating each other nicely.

The "foreign" part means they work on things that happen in other countries. They might talk to leaders in other countries and help UK people who are traveling or working in other countries. Their job is to make sure everyone gets along and works together in a good way.

The "commonwealth" part is all about countries that used to be part of the big UK family a long time ago. They still want to work together and be friends, so the grown-ups in the foreign, commonwealth, and development office help keep everyone happy and friendly.

And the "development" part is really important because it's about helping people in other countries who might need a little help. The grown-ups in the office help give money and resources to people who need it most, like helping to build schools or hospitals or bringing clean water to a village.

So basically, the foreign, commonwealth, and development office is a group of really smart grown-ups who work for the UK government and help make sure everyone is getting along and happy in other countries. They want to help people who might need it, be good friends with other countries, and work together for a better world.