ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Forest Stewardship Council

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is like a group of people that make sure that the trees in the forest are being taken care of. You know how your parents make sure you eat your vegetables so that you grow up strong and healthy? Well, the FSC makes sure that the trees in the forest are growing up strong and healthy too!

But it's not just about the trees growing big and strong. The FSC also makes sure that the forests are being taken care of in a way that doesn't hurt the animals that live there or the people who rely on the forest for their homes or jobs. It's like taking care of the forest ecosystem so everything can live and grow together.

When people need to use wood from the forest to make things like furniture, the FSC makes sure that the wood is being taken from the forest in a way that doesn't hurt the forest or the animals that live there. You know how when you take a piece of cake, you have to make sure you don't take too much so there's enough for everyone? It's like that with the trees in the forest. The FSC makes sure people aren't taking too many trees so the forest can keep growing and stay healthy.

So, basically, the Forest Stewardship Council helps take care of the forest to make sure it stays healthy for the trees, animals, and people who depend on it.