ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Forestiere Underground Gardens

OK kiddo, have you ever played hide and seek? Well, imagine if you could hide underground and have your own secret garden that nobody could even see! That's kind of what a forestiere underground garden is.

It all started a long time ago in a place called Fresno, California. There was a man named Baldasare Forestiere who wanted to make a cool place to live, but it was too hot and dry above ground. So, he decided to dig down and build his home underground.

But he didn't just stop there - he also made himself an underground garden! He dug all these really long tunnels and made little rooms and windows in them. In those rooms, he planted all kinds of fruit trees like lemons, oranges, and even grapevines!

Even though it was hot and dry above ground, down underground it was always cool and damp, which was just perfect for his plants. He even made little spaces for himself to sit and relax in, or to do some work on his garden.

People were really amazed by this, and soon enough, they started building their own underground gardens too! Even now, lots of people go to Fresno to see Forestiere's original underground garden, and there are still people who build underground gardens today.

So next time you're playing hide and seek, just imagine if you had your own secret garden underground like Baldasare Forestiere!