ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Forgotten Bird of Paradise

Okay, so imagine there's this beautiful bird called the "forgotten bird of paradise." It's unique and special because it has bright blue feathers, a bright yellow head, and long, fancy tail feathers.

But here's the problem: people haven't seen this bird for a long time. It's called the "forgotten" bird of paradise because it hasn't been seen in many, many years.

Scientists and researchers are really worried because they think this bird might be extinct, which means that there are no more of them left in the world. They want to find out if this is true or not, and if there are any forgotten birds of paradise still out there.

So, they have been searching all over the jungle, which is where these birds live. They listen for bird calls, set up traps to catch them (but then they let them go!), and use special cameras to try to get pictures of them.

It's really important that we find out if there are any forgotten birds of paradise left, because we don't want them to go away forever. They are important parts of our ecosystem and are also really beautiful creatures that we should protect.