ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Forrest Gump (novel)

Forrest Gump is a story about a man named Forrest who lives a pretty wild and exciting life. It started out as a book, which means someone wrote it down so that other people could read it. Then they turned it into a movie, which means people acted out the story on a big screen and you could watch it.

Now, Forrest is a very special guy. He has a low IQ, which means he's not as smart as some other people, but he's still really good at some things. He's a great runner, for example - in fact, he's so good that he goes to college on a scholarship just for running.

But that's not all Forrest does. He also gets mixed up in all sorts of crazy situations, like taking part in the Vietnam War or becoming a professional wrestler. Along the way, he meets all sorts of interesting people, like President Kennedy, Elvis Presley, and a guy named Lieutenant Dan who becomes his friend.

One of the most important things about Forrest is that he has a big heart, which means he cares a lot about the people around him. He helps out his friends, even if it means making sacrifices himself. And even though he might not be as smart as some other people, he still manages to get through life pretty well.

So, the Forrest Gump book and movie are all about this guy who has lots of adventures, meets lots of interesting people, and always tries to do the right thing. It's a great story that teaches us that no matter who you are or what challenges life throws at you, it's always possible to make a difference and be a good person.