ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fortifications of Derbent

Derbent is a very old city in Russia that is famous for its fortifications. A fortification is like a big wall that was built long ago to protect people from being attacked by enemies.

The fortifications of Derbent are really special because they were built a long time ago, over 1500 years ago! They were built by the Sassanid Empire, which was a powerful empire that ruled over Iran and parts of the Middle East at that time.

What makes these fortifications so special is that they were built to protect Derbent from two different sides, from the Caspian Sea and from the mountains. That's like having walls around your house to protect you from your backyard and your front yard at the same time!

The fortifications of Derbent are made of stone and brick, and they stretch for over 5.5 miles or about 8.8 kilometers, and they reach up to 30 feet or 9 meters tall. That's like standing on top of a two-story building!

The wall also has 42 towers, which are like little forts along the wall that people can use to watch out for enemies and shoot arrows at them if they come too close.

Today, the fortifications of Derbent are a UNESCO World Heritage Site, which means they are very important and protected so that people can see and learn about them for many years to come.