ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Four Rugby Boys

Imagine 4 boys playing a game called rugby. This game is similar to American football but instead of throwing a ball with their hands, they pass the ball around using their hands and feet.

In rugby, there are two teams, each with 15 players. But for this explanation, let's focus on the 4 boys playing together.

The game begins with one team kicking the ball to the other team. The team that receives the ball, in this case our 4 boys, will try to advance the ball by running and passing it to each other.

The goal of the game is to carry the ball across the opposing team's goal line or to kick the ball over the goalposts for points.

However, there are rules that the boys must follow. For example, they cannot pass the ball forward, meaning they must always pass it back or sideways. They also cannot tackle or push each other unless they are holding the ball.

The boys will need to work together and communicate to move the ball forward and score points. If they break any of the rules, the other team will get possession of the ball and the boys will need to defend their own goal.

In the end, the team with the most points at the end of the game wins. But most importantly, the boys should have fun playing and working together as a team.