ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Four penny coffin

The four penny coffin is a small and simple box that is used for people who have passed away. It costs four pennies to buy, which is a very small amount of money.

Back in the old days, when people did not have a lot of money, they would sometimes use a four penny coffin to bury their loved ones. This coffin is usually made out of wood and does not have any fancy decorations. It is very plain and simple.

The four penny coffin was popular in the 1800s in England, when many people did not have a lot of money. They would use this type of coffin to bury their family members who had passed away.

Today, people use more expensive coffins, but the four penny coffin still exists in some places. It is still used by some people who cannot afford a more expensive option.

Overall, the four penny coffin is a very basic and inexpensive way to bury someone who has passed away. It may not have any fancy decorations, but it serves its purpose and provides a way to properly say goodbye to a loved one.