ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fowler's Vacola

Okay kiddo, do you know what fruits and vegetables are? They are things that we can eat and are very good for our body. But sometimes we have too much of them and they might go bad before we can eat them all. So, we need to preserve them, which means keeping them fresh for a long time.

One way to do this is by using a special tool called Fowler's Vacola. It's kind of like a big pot with a lid that has a special valve on it. We put the fruits or vegetables inside the pot and fill it with water. Then we close the lid and heat it up on the stove. The valve helps to release steam so that the pressure inside the pot doesn't get too high and explode.

As the pot heats up, the water inside gets very hot and turns into steam. The steam then circulates around the fruits or vegetables, making sure that they are cooked and preserved evenly. This process is called canning, and it helps to kill any bacteria or germs that might be on the food, making it safe for us to eat.

Fowler's Vacola is a very important tool for people who want to keep their fruits and vegetables fresh for a long time. It helps us to make sure that we have healthy and nutritious food to eat, even when they are not in season.