ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

François Géré

François Géré is a person, just like you and me. He is very interested in understanding different cultures and how different people from all over the world see and interact with each other. He spends a lot of time studying and researching these things so that he can help other people understand them too.

Just like you, François Géré was once a child too. But he grew up to be someone who has taught and written many things about international relations, diplomacy, and different cultures. He uses his knowledge to help people understand that even though we are from different places and have different beliefs, we can still get along and be friends.

So just like you have your own interests and things you like to learn about, François Géré has his own interests too. And he wants to share what he learns with the world so that we can all become better friends and understand each other better.