ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

France-Israel relations

Well kiddo, let's talk about France-Israel relations. France is a country in Europe, and Israel is a country in the Middle East. These two countries have had a bit of a complicated relationship over the years.

You know how sometimes you and your friends don't always get along perfectly? That's kind of how it is with France and Israel. They've had some disagreements and conflicts with each other in the past, but they still talk to each other and try to work things out.

One of the reasons for these disagreements is because Israel was created as a Jewish state after World War II, and France used to have control over a part of that region called Syria. France didn't always see eye-to-eye with Israel on how things should be done there.

Another reason for the tension between France and Israel is because of disagreements over the treatment of Palestine. Palestine is another country in the Middle East that shares the same region with Israel. People disagree on what exactly should be done to try and create peace between Israel and Palestine.

But even though France and Israel don't always agree with each other, they still communicate with each other and try to find ways to work together. That's important in any relationship, even between countries.