ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Francis Galton

Francis Galton was a man who lived a long time ago and he was very interested in studying people and their traits. He liked to ask questions like, "Why do some people have blue eyes while others have brown?" or "Why are some people really tall while others are really short?"

Galton also liked to study families to see if certain traits were more common in some families than in others. For example, if someone's parents were both tall, would they also be tall?

To help him with his studies, Galton invented something called a "bell curve". It looks like a hill and shows how many people have certain traits. For example, if you lined up everyone in the world from tallest to shortest, most people would be in the middle, and only a few people would be at the very top or the very bottom.

Galton was also interested in how smart people were. He created something called an "intelligence test" to measure how good someone was at solving problems. This test became very popular and is still used today.

While Galton was very interested in people and their traits, some of his ideas were not very nice. He believed that some people were better than others because of their traits, and he thought that it was okay to treat people differently based on their traits.

Today, we know that every person is unique and special, no matter what their traits are. We should treat everyone with kindness and respect, no matter how tall, smart, or any other trait they have.