ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Franco-Syrian Treaty of Independence (1936)

Okay kiddo, let me explain the Franco-Syrian Treaty of Independence in a way that's easy to understand.

A long time ago, in the year 1936, there were two countries called France and Syria. France used to be in charge of Syria, meaning that they made all the important decisions for Syria and controlled the country. But the people of Syria didn't like that, and they wanted to be their own bosses and make their own decisions.

So, France and Syria got together and signed a treaty. A treaty is like a promise that both countries make to each other. In this case, France promised to give Syria its independence. That means that Syria would become its own country and make its own decisions, without France's help or control.

But there were some conditions to the treaty. France wanted to keep some of its businesses and military in Syria, and Syria had to promise to buy certain things from France. It was kind of like a trade, where both countries promised to help each other out.

Finally, after much talking and signing of papers, the treaty was made official. Syria became an independent country, and France was happy because they still had some influence in Syria.

And that's the story of the Franco-Syrian Treaty of Independence!