ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fraunhofer line

Okay kiddo, let me explain what Fraunhofer lines are!

You know how when you wear sunglasses, it's easier to see things outside because the sunglasses block out some of the bright sunlight? Well, Fraunhofer lines are kind of like that, but for light from space!

When we look at light from the sun or other stars, we can use a special tool called a spectroscope to split the light into different colors, like a rainbow. But if we look very closely, we can see that there are some dark lines in the rainbow. These dark lines are called Fraunhofer lines.

So why are there these lines in the rainbow of colors? It's because something is blocking or absorbing the light. The sun's atmosphere has all different kinds of gases in it, like helium and hydrogen. Some of these gases absorb certain colors of light, which creates these dark lines in the spectrum.

Scientists use Fraunhofer lines to figure out what gases are in the sun and other stars. They can compare the patterns of lines to know which gases are present. It's like a secret code in the light!

So that's what Fraunhofer lines are, a way to learn more about the sun and other stars by looking at the different colors of light they put out. Cool, huh?
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