ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Frederic Vester

Frederic Vester was a smart man who studied how different things are connected to each other. He liked to look at big, complicated systems, like how a city works or how the environment affects animals.

He came up with a really cool idea called "system thinking." Imagine you have a big toy castle with lots of pieces. If one piece (like a wall or a tower) falls down, it could make other pieces fall down too, and then the whole castle might not work so well. That's a system!

System thinking is about understanding how all the pieces of something are connected, and how something small can affect everything else. It's like a big puzzle or a web with lots of threads.

Frederic Vester also thought it was important to make sure we were taking care of our environment, and to understand how our actions affect the world around us. He wanted people to think about the bigger picture, and how we can make choices that will help everyone and everything live happily together.