ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Frederick Law Olmsted

Frederick Law Olmsted was a man who lived a long time ago and made really pretty parks and gardens that people still enjoy today! Imagine going to a playground or a big park with big trees and grassy fields, places where you can run around and play with your friends. Olmsted made those kinds of places, but he made them even better by making them look like they were part of the natural world.

Olmsted was actually an artist who really loved nature, and he used his skills to make these amazing parks and gardens. He designed them to look and feel like real forest and fields and even added special features like lakes and waterfalls. Olmsted believed that having these spaces where people could go and enjoy nature was really important for people's health and happiness.

One of Olmsted's most famous creations was Central Park in New York City, which is a really big and famous park that lots of people love to visit. But he also made other parks and gardens all over the country, from California to Massachusetts. Whenever you go to a really pretty park or garden, you might be experiencing the work of Frederick Law Olmsted without even knowing it!