ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free Children from War conference

Okay kiddo, let me tell you about the free children from war conference! Do you know what war is? It's when people fight with each other and there is a lot of fighting, guns, and bombs. Unfortunately, sometimes children get involved in these fights and they get hurt or even taken away from their families.

So, a conference is when a bunch of people get together to talk about something important. The free children from war conference was a big meeting where important people from lots of different countries came together to talk about how to help children who are affected by war.

They talked about things like making sure children have access to things like food, water, and medicine, even when there is fighting going on. They also talked about how to help children who have been separated from their families during the war.

The people at the conference also talked about how to make sure that children are not forced to be soldiers and fight in the war. This is important because children should be able to go to school and play with their friends, not fight in wars.

Overall, the free children from war conference was a very important meeting where people talked about how to help children who are affected by war. The hope is that by working together, they can make sure that children have the help and support they need to get through these tough times.