ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Free Software Directory

Alright, let me explain the free software directory in a very simple way. You know how you have a toy box where you keep all your toys? The free software directory is kind of like a toy box for grown-ups who use something called "computers".

Now, you know how you have to pay money to get new toys sometimes, and sometimes your parents only let you play with certain toys because they don't want you to play with things that might not be safe? Well, the free software directory is like a magic box that has a bunch of amazing toys (software programs) that you can use for FREE! And the best part is, all the toys you find in this box are really safe to play with because they are checked by some very smart people who make sure they won't harm your computer.

So, the free software directory is a place where you can find a bunch of awesome toys (software programs) to download and use for no cost, and you can be sure they won't hurt your computer. The people who check these toys (software programs) are called "volunteers", they are like the grown-up versions of parents who make sure you don't play with dangerous toys. And the best part of all, you don't have to be a grown-up to use the free software directory, but you do have to be able to read and use a computer to get the toys (software programs) you want.