ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Freestyle BMX

Freestyle BMX is a really cool way to ride a bike with some fancy tricks and moves. Imagine you're riding your bike in a park or on the street, but instead of just going straight and turning corners, you can do all kinds of cool tricks!

So, what are these tricks exactly? Well, some of them involve jumping off ramps or curbs, or even stairs, and doing spins or flips in the air. Others might include balancing on one wheel, known as a wheelie, or doing tricks while riding backwards, called a fakie. There's also the bunny hop, which is when you jump your bike off the ground without using a ramp or anything else to help you gain height.

Freestyle BMX riders often practice these moves over and over again until they get really good at them. They might even compete against other riders in contests to see who can do the most impressive tricks. But they also ride just for fun and to express themselves, creating their own unique style and flair.

To be a freestyle BMX rider, you need a special type of bike that is designed specifically for these types of tricks. These bikes have smaller frames with reinforced parts to handle the impact from all the jumps and stunts. They also have smaller pegs attached to the wheels, which riders can use to grind on railings or other solid surfaces.

Overall, freestyle BMX is all about having fun, being creative, and pushing the limits of what you can do on a bike. So get out your bike and start practicing – who knows what cool tricks you might come up with!