ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Freeze stat

Okay kiddo, so a freeze stat is like a little superhero for heating systems. When it's really cold outside, sometimes the heating system needs to work extra hard to keep your house warm. But sometimes, if it gets too cold, the pipes that the hot air flows through can get so cold that they freeze! And that's not good because then the heating system can get damaged or even break.

So the freeze stat is kind of like a tiny detective that can tell when the air in the pipes is getting too cold and might freeze. When it senses the temperature getting too low, it sends a message to the heating system to stop working until things warm up again. This way, the pipes stay safe from freezing and your heating system stays safe too. It might mean that it takes a little longer to warm up your house, but that's better than having no heat at all!