ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

French Confession of Faith

Okay, imagine you're learning to ride a bike. Before you start, you have to learn some things like how to balance and how to pedal.

The French Confession of Faith is a document that tells us what people who follow Jesus believe. It's like a bike manual that tells us what we need to know before we start riding our faith.

In the 16th century, some people in France wanted to make sure everyone knew what they believed as Christians. They wrote down everything they believed and called it the French Confession of Faith.

The confession talks about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, the church, and more. It tells us that we are sinners and need Jesus to save us. It also tells us that the Bible is God's Word and that we can trust it.

So, whenever someone wants to know what Christians in France believed a long time ago, they can read the confession just like you would read a bike manual to learn how to ride.