ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

French people in Senegal

Hey there! So, you know how there's different kinds of people in the world? Some people have different skin colors, talk different languages, and follow different traditions. It's kinda like how some of your friends might like different foods than you or wear different clothes.

Well, a long time ago, some people from a country called France went to a place called Senegal, which is in Africa. They did some things there, like building roads and schools, and some of them even stayed to live there.

When the French people first went to Senegal, they thought they were better than the Senegalese people because they were from a richer country and had more power. But over time, the French started to realize that they shouldn't act like they owned everything and everyone in Senegal.

Nowadays, there are still some French people who live in Senegal, but they try to be respectful of the Senegalese people and culture. They might even learn the local languages and eat the same foods as the locals. It's important to remember that just because someone is from a different country or culture, it doesn't mean they're better or worse than anyone else. We should all try to treat each other with kindness and respect, no matter where we come from!