ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Frequency assignment authority

When you are playing with your toys, you get to decide which toys you want to play with and when you want to play with them. The frequency assignment authority is like a big grown-up who gets to decide which toys, or radio frequencies, different people get to play with at what times.

Radio frequencies are like special roads in the air that messages and signals travel through, and different people want to use these roads for different things. Some people use these roads to talk on their phones, some people use them to watch TV or listen to the radio, and other people use them for important things like emergency services or flying airplanes.

The frequency assignment authority's job is to make sure that all these different people can use the radio frequencies they need without bumping into each other and causing a big traffic jam. They make sure that certain frequencies are reserved for certain types of use, like emergency services using a specific frequency so that they can communicate quickly in emergencies.

So, just like your mom or dad might tell you not to use a certain toy because your little brother or sister needs it for a game, the frequency assignment authority makes sure that each person who needs to use a certain radio frequency can do so without interference from others.