ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Frequency modulation synthesis

Frequency modulation synthesis is like playing with building blocks, but instead of blocks, we use sounds. You know how different blocks have different shapes, sizes, and colors? Well, sounds are kind of like that too.

But in frequency modulation synthesis, we don't just use one sound at a time. We put two sounds together and mix them up to create something new.

Imagine you have a red block and a blue block. You can stack them together to make a new shape that's both red and blue. With Frequency modulation synthesis, it's the same idea. We take two sounds, and instead of stacking them, we play them at the same time.

But we don't just play them evenly. We change how much we play each sound, and how quickly we switch between them. This makes the new sound change too! It gets higher, lower, louder, or softer, and it's different every time we do it.

Now, this might sound complicated, but it's actually really cool because we can create all sorts of new sounds this way. We can make sounds that are weird, scary, happy, or sad, just by mixing different building blocks of sound together.

So next time you hear a really interesting sound in a song or a movie, remember that it might have been made using frequency modulation synthesis - it's like playing with blocks, but with sounds!