ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Friden Flexowriter

Okay kiddo, do you know what a typewriter is? It's a machine that people used to type letters and documents on before computers were invented. Well, a Friden Flexowriter is a special kind of typewriter that is really good at doing calculations too!

It's kind of like having a calculator and a typewriter all in one. You can type numbers and the Flexowriter will add them together, subtract them or even multiply them for you! It can also write out the answers in words, just like a person would.

But, the Flexowriter is really big and heavy, kind of like a big desk. It was mostly used in offices a long time ago, before computers became popular. Now, we use computers to do all these things much faster and easier.

So, that's what a Friden Flexowriter is, a big heavy machine that is really good at typing and doing calculations. But, we don't really use them anymore because computers do it all for us now!