ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Friends of Tribals Society

Okay kiddo, have you heard of tribes before? They're groups of people who live in a certain area and have their own culture and traditions. Sometimes, these tribes can be in need of certain things like food, health care, or education.

That's where the Friends of Tribals Society comes in. They're a group of people who want to help these tribes by giving them the things they need to live their best lives.

Think of it like if you were a friend to someone who needed help. You would want to give them something they need, like a toy or a snack, to make them happy and feel better. The Friends of Tribals Society wants to do the same thing, but for whole tribes.

They work hard to make sure that the tribes have access to things like clean drinking water, medical care, and education. They also make sure that the tribes are treated fairly and not taken advantage of by others who might want to use their land or resources.

So, the Friends of Tribals Society is like a big group of friends who want to help other friends who might not have everything they need. They want to make sure that everyone has the chance to live a happy and healthy life, no matter where they come from.