ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Frontage road

Have you ever seen a big road that has lots of cars and trucks going really fast? Well, sometimes there is another smaller road that runs alongside it. This smaller road is called a frontage road. It's like a special road that gives you access to businesses and homes that are near the big road.

Imagine you are driving with your family to go to your favorite restaurant. The restaurant is just off the big road, but you can't get to it directly. If you just drove on the big road, you would have to exit the road really far away and then drive back to the restaurant. But, if you use the frontage road, you can easily turn right into the parking lot of the restaurant.

The frontage road is also helpful for people who live near the big road. They can use the frontage road to get to their homes without having to drive on the big road. This makes it much safer because the big road can be super busy and not very safe for little cars.

Overall, the frontage road is like a little helper that makes it easier for cars to get to the places they need to go, without having to drive on the big, scary road.