ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fu Jow Pai

Okay, so there's something called fu jow pai. It's a type of martial arts that people practice to learn how to defend themselves and be strong.

The people who practice fu jow pai have to do a lot of different things. They learn how to kick and punch really well, and they have to do exercises to make their bodies strong. They also have to be really patient, because it takes a long time to learn all the moves.

When someone practices fu jow pai, they have to be very focused and listen carefully to their teacher. They also have to be respectful to everyone they train with.

Fu jow pai comes from a place called China, and it's been around for a very long time. Lots of people all over the world practice it because it's a really cool and fun way to learn how to be strong and defend yourself.