ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fuel mix disclosure

Fuel mix disclosure is a way for grown-ups to tell other grown-ups about the different types of energy they use to make electricity. Just like when we play with different colored toys, companies use different colors of energy to make electricity.

Now, let's imagine that electricity is like a yummy cake. Just like a cake needs ingredients like flour, sugar, and eggs, electricity needs ingredients too. The ingredients for electricity are called fuels. Some of the fuels look like dark sludgy liquids, some are like rocks, and some come from the wind and the sun.

So, when a company makes electricity, they put all the different fuels they are using together in order to make power. Fuel mix disclosure is like the recipe for the cake, it tells us how much of each fuel was used to make the electricity.

This is really important because some of the ingredients are harmful to the environment and can cause pollution, while others are better for the Earth. By knowing which fuels a company uses, we can make better choices about which companies to buy our electricity from, and help take care of our planet!
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