ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Full-body CT scan

A full-body CT scan is like taking a picture of your insides, except instead of an ordinary camera, it uses a special machine that uses X-rays to take pictures of every part of your body. It's kind of like a big donut that you lay in the middle of, and the donut takes pictures of you from all different angles.

One of the reasons people get full-body CT scans is because doctors can use the pictures to see if there's anything wrong inside your body that they can't see from the outside. It's kind of like when you visit the doctor and they check your ears, heart, and lungs with their tools, except the full-body CT scan can check everything in one go!

But like any tool, it has its upsides and downsides. Getting a full-body CT scan involves a lot of radiation, which is kind of like a strong flashlight shining on your body. Too much radiation can be dangerous, so doctors only recommend getting a full-body CT scan if they think there's a good reason for it.

Overall, a full-body CT scan can be a helpful tool for doctors to look inside your body and check for any problems. But it's important to remember that it's a big tool, and should only be used when necessary.