ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fume event

Okay, so imagine that we are on an airplane. We sit down in our seats, buckle up and get ready for takeoff. However, sometimes when the plane takes off or lands, we might start to smell something weird. That's called a "fume event."

A "fume event" happens when something goes wrong with the airplane's engine or ventilation system, and some bad smells and chemicals get into the air that we breathe. These chemicals can make us feel sick, dizzy or even faint. That's why it's important for the flight attendants to quickly react to those events and take steps to make sure we are safe.

It can be a scary experience, but thankfully, these events are rare and airplanes have safety systems in place to prevent them from happening. Plus, the flight crew can always take action to make sure everything is okay, so we don't have to worry too much!