Okay kiddo, so the Fundamental Fysiks Group is a group of really smart people who study physics. They try to understand some of the most complicated and mysterious parts of our universe, like black holes and quantum mechanics.
They are interested in something called "fundamental physics," which means studying the most basic and important laws that govern how everything in the universe works.
The group was started in the 1970s by a bunch of scientists who were curious about some strange and unexpected things they were seeing in their experiments.
These scientists wanted to explore new ideas and theories that went beyond what we currently know about physics, so they got together to brainstorm and collaborate on research.
They even wrote a book called "The Tao of Physics" to try and explain some of their ideas in a way that was easy for regular people to understand.
So basically, the Fundamental Fysiks Group is a group of really smart physicists who want to push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe and explore some of its biggest mysteries.