ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Fundamental science

"Hey kiddo, do you like learning about how things work? Well, that's what fundamental science is all about. It's like trying to figure out the mystery of the world and the universe! Scientists who do fundamental science ask questions about how things work, why things happen, and what things are made of.

For example, if you look at an apple, you might know that it's red and yummy, but fundamental scientists ask why the apple is red and how it grows. They might use special tools like microscopes and telescopes to look really closely at the apple or things too far away to see with just our eyes. They also might do experiments in a lab to figure out what things are made of.

There are different fields of fundamental science, like physics, chemistry, and biology. Physics covers the matter and energy around us, like how objects move or how electricity flows. Chemistry studies matter and atoms, including what things are made of and how they interact. Biology looks at living things, like animals and plants, and how they grow, reproduce, and evolve.

Fundamental science helps us understand the world and makes life better for us. For example, scientists studying how to create powerful batteries or how to cure diseases use the knowledge gained through fundamental science research. So, even if you don't grow up to be a scientist, learning about fundamental science can help you see the world in a new way and come up with new ideas to make the world a better place."