ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Fusion3 is like when you mix different colored Play-Doh together and it becomes one big blob. Except instead of Play-Doh, it happens with tiny little pieces called atoms.

You see, everything around us is made up of tiny things called atoms. And sometimes, these atoms can be forced together really, really tightly so that they stick together and form even bigger things. When this happens, it's called fusion.

Fusion is like a big puzzle where the pieces are tiny atoms. When you put them together just right, they make bigger things like stars, engines, and even nuclear bombs.

But fusion is really, really hard to make happen. It takes a lot of energy to push the atoms close enough together to fuse. Scientists are still working on ways to make fusion happen more easily and safely.

But, if they figure it out, fusion could be a great way to make clean energy that wouldn't harm the environment. So, in short, Fusion3 is about making tiny things stick together to make big things to solve some of the world's biggest problems.