ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, so futuh is an Arabic word that means "openings" or "conquests". Think of it like this - imagine you have a big box of chocolates, but the chocolates are all wrapped up and you can't eat them yet. When you finally unwrap one of the chocolates and take a bite, you've had an "opening" or "conquest" of that chocolate. Similarly, in history, futuh means when a group of people, usually Muslims, would "conquer" and take over a new territory. This would happen after some kind of battle or struggle, but once they had succeeded in taking over, they would be able to enjoy the "opening" of this new land and the resources it had to offer. So futuh is really just a word that describes the process of taking over new lands, but it's also a word that represents the excitement and joy that comes with achieving a goal after hard work and persistence.