Future combat systems are basically all the cool and fancy stuff that soldiers and armies are going to use to fight wars in the future. It's like having lots of awesome toys and gadgets to play with, except these tools are meant for serious business like protecting us and our country.
These future combat systems are super special because they help soldiers do things easier and better, such as aiming and shooting accurately, seeing enemies from far away, and moving faster and safer. Some of these tools look like wearable high-tech suits with cool helmets that protect soldiers from bullets and other dangerous things.
Others are like robots or drones that can fly or crawl around, and do things like gather information or even fight in combat instead of humans so it's safer. Think of it like having your own little superhero army with the ultimate gear and weapons to help defend us from the bad guys.
Some examples of future combat systems include advanced radios or communication systems that allow soldiers to talk to each other even when they're really far away, or smart vehicles that can drive themselves and avoid obstacles to transport soldiers around quickly and efficiently.
Overall, these future combat systems are super high-tech and amazing. They are designed to help soldiers stay safe and win battles more effectively. So if you see one of these systems in action one day, just know that it's like having an army of superheroes protecting our world.