ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

G 2/10

G is a special number that mathematicians use to solve different problems. When we say "g," it represents a number that is always the same. It's like a secret code for the number. This special number is called the gravitational constant.

Do you know what gravity is? It's the force that pulls things down towards the ground. You might have dropped a toy and noticed that it falls to the floor. That's because of gravity!

But why does gravity work? Well, scientists want to understand how everything in the universe works, so they came up with an idea called the law of universal gravitation. This law says that any two objects with mass will attract each other, or pull on each other, because of gravity.

Now, remember that "g" we mentioned earlier? It's a number that tells us how strong gravity is between any two objects. The value of "g" is always the same, no matter where you are on the Earth or even in outer space. It's like a special rule that never changes.

When someone talks about "g," they usually mean the acceleration due to gravity. That's a fancy way of saying how fast something falls because of gravity. If you drop a ball, it will speed up as it falls because of gravity. The acceleration due to gravity is about 9.8 meters per second squared, but we usually just call it 10 for simplicity.

So, when someone says "g" is 2/10, they mean that the acceleration due to gravity is 2/10 of the normal value. It's like saying gravity is weaker. This can happen if you're in a place where gravity is not as strong, like the moon.

In summary, "g" is a special number that represents the gravitational constant, which tells us how strong gravity is between objects. When someone says "g" is 2/10, they mean that gravity is weaker, like on the moon.