ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, let me tell you about Git! Git is like a big box that helps you keep track of all your toys (or in this case, computer code). If you have a lot of different toys, it's hard to remember where you put them or what changes you made to each one.

So, Git helps you with that. Every time you make a change to your code, Git asks you if you want to put it in the box. If you say yes, Git will remember exactly what you changed and when you changed it.

Not only that, but Git also helps you work with other kids (or collaborators) who want to play with your toys. When they want to make a change, Git makes sure that they tell you about it before they put it in the box. This way, you can all work together without stepping on each other's toes or messing up each other's toys.

So, think of Git like your big toy box that helps you organize your toys and play nicely with your friends.