ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay, kiddo, have you ever seen a car that doesn't need any gasoline to run? That's called an electric car. And did you know that a long time ago in the 1990s, a car company called General Motors made an electric car called the GM EV1?

The GM EV1 was a car that didn't need any gasoline to run. It was like a big toy car that was very quiet and didn't produce any pollution. It was really good for the environment because it didn't release any harmful gases into the air.

The car had a lot of special parts that made it work. It had a really big battery that stored all the electricity it needed to run. It also had a special motor that turned the wheels and made the car go forward. The GM EV1 was really fast too, just like a toy car.

Some people really liked the GM EV1 and wanted to drive it all the time. They liked how it didn't need any gasoline and how it was good for the environment. But some people were worried that the car wasn't safe, or that it wouldn't last very long.

Eventually, General Motors decided to stop making the GM EV1. They said that it cost too much money to make and that not enough people wanted to buy it. But some people still think that the GM EV1 was a really cool car and they wish they could still drive it today.