ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

GRASP (object-oriented design)

Grasp is a way to think about how to design a software system using object-oriented programming.

Imagine playing with building blocks. Each block is like an object in the software system. Now, think about how you can pick up the blocks and use them to build bigger structures. This is called "grasping" the blocks.

When designing a software system, we want to make sure that we grasp the objects in a way that helps us build the system efficiently and effectively. So, we use grasp principles to guide our design decisions.

For example, one grasp principle is called "Information Expert". This means that we give each object the responsibility to handle the information it knows about. This helps us keep each object focused on its own purpose and avoid having objects doing things they shouldn't.

Another grasp principle is "High Cohesion". This means that we group together the methods and attributes that have a common purpose. We try to make sure that each object has one main responsibility and that the methods inside that object work well together.

Overall, grasp helps us design our software in a flexible, maintainable, and easy-to-understand way. It's like building with blocks, but with a clear plan for how to put them together to make something useful.